Blogging For All (How To Get Started Blogging)

You’ve read hundreds of them. Your favourite ones are a great mixture of being interesting and informative, we’re talking of course about blogs.

Whether you’ve always fancied yourself as a lifestyle blogger, ready to share your life hacks with the world or you have a hobby that demands a lot of reading around, it’s never too late to find your corner of the internet.

The other side of blogging, of course, is for business but whatever your reasons for putting metaphorical pen to paper, the principles of a good blog remain the same.

wordpress blogging for all

Be Yourself

If you’re passionate about your subject, whether that’s the goods you produce, the sport you pursue or the makeup brand you’ve found, be passionate. Don’t try and sound like anyone else you’ve read online, keep your true, authentic voice with you as you write.

If you’re blogging for business, this is the perfect opportunity for your customer to get to know the person behind the product.

To make a human connection which is very often lacking in the world of online sales and websites.

It’s also the chance for you to show your customers why you’re the best bet when it comes to buying from your business.

If you sell paint, offer weekly DIY tips and include some of your home DIY projects. Establish yourself as a trusted professional voice and your blog will do what even the smartest digital marketing company might not be able to – sell you.

Write to Length

Think about the quality and the frequency of your writing. If you’re writing a daily blog then around 500 words will be adequate for a blog but for the less frequent writer consider upping the word count to nearer 1,500.

These weightier posts often play out better on Google searches, though make sure to include some great quality images.

You’ll be able to find a host of free ones at various sites on the internet and be sure to use an alt + image description with each picture, another way of attracting Google’s attention.

Think too about key words. These words are simply the terms that people use to search online for your business and there are bound to be quite a few.

They aren’t just singular but can be phrases as well.

Include them in your text but only in a natural sounding way otherwise it will sound stilted and unnatural to readers.

Blogs are the perfect response for writers with a burning ambition to see their name on the internet. Carve out your own space, set up your own site and get writing. Be yourself and share your passion for hobbies, sports, lifestyle tips and so on with a willing audience. 

Show everyone, including your customers, who you are and you’ll find your business benefits from that personal touch.

Make sure to update your blog posts at least weekly and you’ll find yourself slowly gathering a following as you talk about the things that matter to you most.

Blogging is for everyone so dive right in.

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