10+ Christmas Cake Recipes That Everyone Loves

Christmas is just around the corner and we know you’re going to be planning some wow-recipes as you do every Christmas lunch.

Today we’ve started feeling the first signs of the Christmas spirit so we spent some time on Pinterest trying to find some delicious recipes for this festive season and I have to say; these Christmas cake recipes definitely caught the attention of our sweet-tooth.

NEW POST: 10+ Christmas-Themed Drinks To Make Santa Tipsy!

(Don’t forget to visit the official recipe blogs listed below to show support to the creators)

Here are some of our favorites:

Santa’s Belt Surprise-Inside Cake

Santa’s Belt Surprise-Inside Cake

Creating a surprise-inside cake can be an easy experience and is always a fun one. This Santa’s Belt Surprise-Inside Cake is sure to delight all who see it!

Continue reading this creative recipe on IamBaker.net.

Healthy Christmas Fruit Cake (Grain Free)

Healthy Christmas Fruit Cake (Grain Free)

A healthy Christmas fruit cake recipe that’s gluten free, dairy free and grain free. Made with almond flour, coconut flour, dried fruit, mixed spices and a little orange zest for a lovely authentic festive feel. There’s no added sweetener in this cake; the dried fruit and coconut flour ensure it is naturally sweetened. Even better, it’s pretty easy to make!

Read the original recipe on NourishEveryday.com.

Christmas Fruit Cake (With No Added Sugars)

Christmas Fruit Cake (With No Added Sugars)

Every year, for as long as I can remember, I’ve watched my Mum make her Christmas pudding

The fruit soaks for weeks in a mix of brandy and sherry in her white two piece tupperware container that she’s had since she was married. It’s the perfect size to hold the mix of sultanas and mixed fruit that’s left to soak up the alcohol and plump to perfection.

Continue reading on SouthernInLaw.com.

Ginger Bread Cake Recipes

Ginger Bread Cake Recipes

Just the most delicious of Christmas cake recipes available.

Continue reading this + 35 more cake recipes on ChiefHealth.us.

Christmas Cranberry Pound Cake

Christmas Cranberry Pound Cake

Continue reading the full instructions of this recipe on FoodCake.

Easy Christmas Cake Recipe (With Cherry Brandy)

Easy Christmas Cake Recipe (With Cherry Brandy)

I usually plan to make my Christmas cake at the beginning of November, but so far I’ve never managed to actually do it before mid-November.

The earlier you can actually make it, the more opportunities you have to douse that thing in cherry brandy!!

Continue reading on KitchenSanctuary.com.

Festive Cranberry & Orange Christmas Cake

Festive Cranberry & Orange Christmas Cake

This festive cranberry, orange and walnut layer cake with a frosted cranberry crown is perfect for Christmas!

Find out what Lucy is up to on SuperGoldenBakes.com.

Cranberry Christmas Cake Recipe

Cranberry Christmas Cake Recipe

This Cranberry Christmas Cake is one of those recipes that is an instant favorite every single time someone new tastes it.Tart cranberries, sweet buttery cake, and a fantastic texture all combined to basically beg me to eat another piece.

Find out the entire secret behind what makes this cake delicious on BestFoodCreation.

Spiked Eggnog Christmas Cake

Spiked Eggnog Christmas Cake

Our Christmas stuff is up! Finally! I am SO excited. We’ve been holding off because we were having a good chunk of the place painted last week and didn’t want to have the holiday decorations taking over. But now the painting is finished and it’s full-on Christmas mode in the Liv for Cake household.

Delicious Cranberry Christmas Cake Recipe

Delicious Cranberry Christmas Cake Recipe

This Cranberry Christmas Cake is one of those recipes that is an instant favorite every single time someone new tastes it.Tart cranberries, sweet buttery cake, and a fantastic texture all combined to basically beg me to eat another piece.

Source of image and recipe – BestFoodCuration.




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