Fresh Store Builder v7 Review (The Amazon Affiliate Website Builder)

Aspiring bloggers, affiliate marketers and Amazon Associates alike, please pay attention!

Today’s post is my review of the Fresh Store Builder v7 and if you want to know how to make money online with your blog using the Amazon Associates Program, you are going to want to read this.

I have just come across a product that is said to be revolutionizing the way bloggers make money online, so of course, I had to try it out myself. I’m a big fan of the Amazon network and I’m always looking for ways to increase my income.

The product in question is “Fresh Store Builder” (version 7)!

What Is The Fresh Store Builder And What Does It Do?

Fresh Store Builder (FSB) is an Amazon affiliate website builder that will help you build up Amazon Stores (as an affiliate) with ease and little to no experience.

Reviews online are saying it is the absolute BEST Amazon store builder on the market. I guess we’ll find out within this review today.

FreshStoreBuilder review

My Experience With Fresh Store Builder

After succumbing to all the hype and positive reviews I’ve read about it, I had no choice but to buy it and try the product out for myself.

And I am happy to report, that I really like this product.

It does exactly what it says; builds Amazon stores with ease and the stores look amazing.

First, let’s take a look at some of the stores that were created using the FSB software.

freshstore builder example sites 1 freshstore builder example sites 2

How Does “Fresh Store Builder” Work?

Once you install the software on your site, you can choose a template and start looking for products.

You will get a lot of tutorials on how to set up your store but let me show you quickly just how easy it is to add products to your store:

All you have to do is:

Search for products (for this example I’m looking for “kitchen appliances” products”).

After you hit the “Browse Products” buttons, you’ll have a list of product items that match your description pulled directly from Amazon

Let me just explain to you the areas shown by the red lines:


Those are the list of products the database turned up for you, it will show you hundreds and thousands of products you can add but I could only fit a few in my screenshot.

“Sales Rank”

This shows how popular the product is on Amazon, thus, you’ll be able to choose products that have been proven to sell


This will allow you to add different products to different categories, for example:

  • Dishwashers
  • Blenders
  • Cleaning Products
  • Furniture
  • etc

“The Add Button”

That little green + button is all you have to click on the product to appear in your store. That is it.

It will pull the products from Amazon and feature it in your category in the store. And it won’t just pull the product, it will pull all the information with it:

  • Product Title
  • Product Image
  • Product Description
  • Product Manufacturer Info
  • Product Reviews

All of these will be available for your customer to see on your page.

*Now this process will be considered “duplicate content” by search engines, that is why you will have to go into each individual product and edit and re-write the titles, this is a must if you want your store to rank in the search engines. This is not difficult to do though, you will find out how to edit the products from the tutorials provided.

3 Things I Liked About FreshStore Builder

The Stores Look Amazing

While I’ve only created one store, for now, I plan to create more and more as I go along.

The templates used are super easy to navigate, very clean and professional looking and they are also mobile optimized; which is fantastic.

The Ease of It All

As you can probably see by now, building your store is very easy and you can add products with just a click of the button. Super simple!

The Shopping Cart

Your store will come with a built-in shopping cart which means that while the reader is browsing, he has the option to click the “Add To Cart” button.

Once finished, he can go to his cart, see his items, click “check out”. All is left to do then is to pay using his Amazon Account.

Obviously, all of the products would come embedded with your affiliate ID so you will be making money off everything you sell.

Also, Amazon offers you a 30-day cookie if items are added to his cart so as long as he buys them in the next 30 days, you will get paid!

Things I Did Not Like About FreshStore Builder

There Are A Lot Of Upsells

This has become the norm to most “make money” products and I just hate it. I understand it’s part of the business but I really don’t like being “pressured” to buy more and more items after my initial purchase.

There are 6 total upsells you will have to jump through to get to your product and if decided to buy them all, you’re looking at another $300 expense (give or take).

What Are The Upsells?

The upsells are training on how to create a WordPress blog alongside your store, how to rank for competitive keywords and also there is an upsell for additional store themes.

I chose to avoid all the upsells because I have a bit if experience online and I don’t “need” training on how to rank pages and content.

However, if all this SEO talk doesn’t make sense to you but you wish to learn, I suggest you try out Wealthy Affiliate – it will teach you all you need to know for FREE.

It Doesn’t Run On WordPress

In all my 4 years of experience building websites and blogs, I have always used WordPress. Why? Because it is just the best and most easy way to create a site.

(Using SiteRubix, you can get a WordPress blog up and running in just over 1 minute).

However, FSB doesn’t run on WordPress (which was a surprise to me and took a decent amount of time to install).

I had to buy a new domain, get it hosted and go through the step by step process (tutorial available with FSB) on how to install the software’ database.

This is not really a “con” in itself, it’s just a much more complicated way of starting a website.

As is, It’s A Nightmare For SEO

Please note the “as is”!

As I’ve said already, all the content FSB pulls from the Amazon database, i.e the information you would have on your store is duplicate content, which if you have any idea about SEO, you’d know that that is a big NO-NO.

However, FSB knows this and has made it easy for you to go into the product descriptions and write unique content in its place – which solves the problem of duplicate content but gives you a lot of work to do.

I was going to build the store on a subdomain but then opted to buy a new domain and build the store independently – which was a brilliant idea as I have found that having a subdomain with duplicate content will hurt the entire domain’s authority.

While I am in the process of fixing all the product titles and descriptions for my store, I’m not stressing much about it.

I will be driving traffic to it with my already established blog (which gets about 10,000 traffic a month), through my email list for the blog and also through the social media channels that luckily, I have built up well in the past 3 years.

One of the upsells mentioned above will let you incorporate WordPress blog into it and use it as a blog to write keyword focused articles and publish them on your store.

How To Install Fresh Store Builder

You would have to buy a domain and a hosting package first then follow the instructions provided.

Don’t worry if you are a newbie and this seems a bit too technical. I was also a newbie (with starting sites outside of WordPress) but I managed to follow the easy instructions to get the store up and running.

How Much Does Fresh Store Builder Cost?

FreshStore Builder Pricing Plans

There are 3 models of pricing that you can choose from.

  • Personal: $40.26
  • Business: $49.95
  • Developer: $99.95

I bought the “Business Package: for a one time fee for $49.95 (which, unfortunately, might have increased by the time you read this).

If you just want to do 1 store, then you can go for the personal package but consider that you only get 3 stores while for the additional $9 bucks or so, you can create an unlimited number of stores.

How Much Did It End Up Costing Me?

Obviously, I had to set up a new website to install this software on so I had to dish out an additional $70 and some change for a new domain and hosting for a year.

So if you haven’t got a website yet, you would definitely need one to use FreshStrore Builder so factor in the cost of how much you will be spending on sites and hosting + the product fee.

For me, this experiment ended up costing me around $120.

Do I Recommend It?

Yes I do.

If you want to start using the Amazon Associates program, and you have some money to invest, then “Fresh Store Builder” is right for you.

You can buy Fresh Store Builder at a DISCOUNT from here.

How Does It Compare To Other Affiliate Website Builders?

If you’ve read my guide on how to make money as an Amazon Associate, you’ll see that the best training course I recommend to learn how to make money as an affiliate is Wealthy Affiliate.

This product doesn’t change that one bit.

Wealthy Affiliate is still the #1 product you need to try (for free) to learn and understand how to create money online.

FreshStore Builder is more of a tool rather than training so do not expect to learn the foundation of online business through this course.

They do offer training and tutorials about how to do SEO, write content, get traffic and make sales but that comes at a cost (an expensive one I might add).

In Closing

I will be publishing my earning report for my Fresh Store Builder store here in a few months (that is when I’ll have clear data on everything) so be sure to subscribe to my newsletter so I will let you know when it goes live.

Thank you very much for reading my Fresh Store Builder review, I hope this post was informative for you.

You can read more articles on my blog here and also check other product reviews I’ve done in the past.

2 thoughts on “Fresh Store Builder v7 Review (The Amazon Affiliate Website Builder)”

    • It’s not easy to do, but possible. They mostly use already-made templates for Fresh Store builder but if you do know a bit of code, then you can definitely change soem items to your liking.

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