This doesn’t happen much in ‘real life”, but I find myself getting shocked over and over again at the same thing.
Weird right?
I am talking about my writing – yes my writing.
Every time I look at a blog post that I wrote (at least) six months ago, I get shivers and bury my face in my hand over the embarrassment of the low-quality work that I have produced.
This is a common thing amongst bloggers and content writers I am sure, and I would go the length of saying it’s actually a good thing this happens because that means you are constantly improving your work and getting better at what you do.
So even though I feel shocked and a tad bit of embarrassment, I’m always happy to see that in some way or the other, I have improved. And, to be completely honest with you;
I look forward to re-reading this post you are reading right now in a few months and feel the same thing about this work.
As the saying goes, becoming the best writer you can be is something that is not achievable and I’d be shocked to hear that somebody did reach that title. It’s very hard seeing as how there is always some areas where you can improve.
Today I want to share with you some writing tips that would hopefully show you how to write better blog posts for your blog. You may have started writing today, or maybe you’ve been at it for years like I have.
Either way; we are going to be learning a lot, and I am sure you are going to find this post useful in your writing journey.
Before I go on, I have to say one thing; this post will not instantly make you a better writer – sorry for that. This will only show you how to become a better writer and the process you need to learn to be able to write better blog posts – it’s up on you now to put in the time and effort to make it happen.
So are you ready to be embarrassed by the work you’ve produced so far? I hope so as I sure am. Let’s look at;
How To Write Better Blog Posts For Your Blog
What’s Your Problem Dude?
We are in the business of providing information, and if you want to make money with your blog, you need to step away fro the idea that you can just blog about your day and hope to make money with it.
The blogging-type I am talking about here are the posts that provide helpful information for a common problem, which begs the question; what’s your problem, dude?
The “problem” I am trying to solve with this very post is for myself and my readers to be able to write better blog posts – that’s it.
It doesn’t have to be a post that changes the world; you just need to provide a workable solution for a common problem.
That is your only job.
But how do you do that?
You first identify the problems in your niche and then write blog posts sharing your solution.
Now, there may be other blogs that have solved the solution already, but that shouldn’t stop you. Every post is unique, and it is showing you a perspective of the said problem through the eyes of the person who is typing the post.
Case in point; there are many articles that show you how to write better blog posts, but I am only sharing what has worked for me.
Others advice may be correct as well, but this is how I solved MY problem, thus this piece of content is unique, and it will be useful to other people that have the same “problem”.
Why Is This Blog Post Important For XYZ?
Think of XYZ as your target audience and by that I mean, why is your post important for your audience?
Obviously, I am sure you see the benefits and the importance of writing better posts (if you’re a blogger) so this post is dedicated to you, and if you want to be in the position where you look back on your work and realise how much you have improved, it’s important you read this post and also (the most important part); apply these tips to your own blogging.
Show Some Examples To Back Up Your Solution
One good method to use to write (even better) blog posts is actually showing, with proof, how your solution helped solve the problem.
People are busy, and they are very impatient, so they are looking for quick, precise information backed by facts so they do not have to look for more information.
If you can become to go-to source for a specific topic and have the trust of your audience, then you have discovered the holy grail of blogging , affiliate marketing and the digital space in general – it’s just that powerful!
Obviously to build trust and to have the skill set to create such mind blowing content is a journey in itself that you have to develop on your own.
I am here typing this post at 7 pm on Christmas Eve with a huge list of to-dos still left for me before the day ends. The point I am trying to convey here is that I put in the work, nobody can take that away from me and that is why, month after month, year after year, I continually improve my writing, my traffic, my rankings, my sales and everything that has to do with my online businesses.
Put in the work folks; that is one tip that would change your life for the better in all areas – try it for a bit and see yourself the results you get from it.
What Should A Reader Do Next?
Ok, once the post is done, the reader may want to leave, which is understandable. But, what if there is a way where you can keep him or her engaged and begging for more info, or better yet; make him want to buy something from you?
Now we’re talking.
Well that is possible, and the most common way to get a reader to engage with you more than one time is by adding carefully placed CTA (Call to actions) in your content thus making sure your post is not a one time sell, but actually another brick in the wall of amazing content we call our blog.
Simple, but oh so powerful.
At the end of this post, you will see perfect examples of great CTAs and methods to get readers to continue engaging with you, so stick around and read to the very bottom.
How To Write A Better Post (Things You Can Do Straight Away)
Above were some tips that would definitely make you a better blog writer, but they are all based on ideas and concept that would need time to fully understand and use to your advantage.
Now that’s been shared, I want to give you some (more) quick tips you can implement right now, after you finish reading this post that is, that will instantly help you write better blog posts for your blog.
Make Easy To Read Content
No post is the same. I can show you two posts that are the same but one would be a nightmare to read and one you would read so quickly you would be glued to it.
This is where presenting your content in a visual way helps and that is done properly by spacing out your sentences and paragraphs.
Have you ever seen a post that just had a huge, massive block of text with no headers, no sub-headings, no paragraphs and no breaks?
It’s awful right? Nobody reads that content and for a good reason; it’s too darn difficult.
So, you want to make your existing blog posts better form today? Go back in and space them out, so they are easy to read. If you do this, I am 100% sure you will be getting more readers to stick around your blog.
Not Too Thin, But Not Too Thick
The ideal word length for blog posts (for me at least) is 1000 words. This way you will be providing the information a reader is looking for without having the need to sit and read about it for 30 mins.
For SEO purposes, you may want to go for a bit more, say 1500 to 2000 words but if you’re not worried about that, something in the 800 to 1200 range should do well.
Do not ever go lower than 500 words though because anything below that is just seen as thin content, and let’s face it; you can’t fit much valuable info in a 300-word blog post.
Keep It Simple
I have read blogs which provide fantastic information, but it’s presented in such a professional tone of voice that you it makes it seem like it’s too hard of a job.
Stay away from that. Unless of course, you are in a niche that does discuss complicated issues (like lawyers, science blogs, etc). Just try to keep your writing tonality friendly and conversational.
Some say I do this very well (humble brag), but I’ll let you decide on that.
Use Images
Always, always, always include (at least) one image in your posts. This will break up the text, give the reader’s eyes a break and it just makes it look much more friendly and entertaining.
I wouldn’t say the more images you put in the better, because even that can be a bit of an overkill, but try to implement any pictures that you feel would enhance your message – but remember to do at least one image as a minimum standard.
Some Tools To Help You Write Better Blog Posts For Your Blog
And as always, the internet itself comes to the rescue here, and you’d be surprised to know that there are a lot of tools that can help show you how to write better blog posts.
Here are some of my favorite writing tools
Grammarly is a spelling and grammar plugin that that will help you write better content free of mistakes – I know what you’re saying “but Chris I have seen you do spelling mistakes”.
Yes, the tool is not perfect, but it does catch 98% off all spelling and grammar errors. It’s a free plugin too that you can install on your Chrome browser and let it do “the dirty work”.
There’s also a premium option, which I use and suggest you get since it opens up a lot more features about it that would make your writing seem much more polished and “professional”.
Evernote is my favourite writing app because it just works amazingly well for my writing needs. I even have the app on my phone thus allowing me to continue my writing on the road and even make changes if necessary.
Super fantastic tool and a big time saver as well. It also autosaves with every word you type so you can rest assured you will never lose your content! (I had that happen far too many times)
Headline Analyzer
One last tool and tip I will share with you is to make CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer your friend.
This nifty tool, which I’ve done a review about here, is a free tool that will show you how to write better headlines for your blog posts.
As you may know, headlines are probably the most important aspect of blog writing seeing as how this is the first thing a reader will see, so I am sure you understand the importance of this tool.
Take a look at it here and just try it out. You can not use it all if you don’t want to, but after a few tries with it, you will get a sense of what is good headline writing and what isn’t.
Closing Words
Thank you for reading my post on how to write better blog posts for your blogging. I hope this post has shown you the way to better copywriting and I am sure you will do the necessary steps to 10X your writing skill in the coming months.
I look forward to seeing you win and succeed so let me know if I can help you in any way.
You may also want to subscribe to my newsletter list where I share with you more blogging tips and ideas to help get you going in the right direction.
I appreciate the time you spent on my blog and thanks again for stopping by.
Chris Lee
I’ve found the persistence of blogging is equivalent to the quality of blogs. I guess people think too much about what to write. Simple 5-minute discussions can be transformed into a blog post. A regular everyday task at your home can be turned into a 5-step “how to” post. Possibilities are unlimited. Creative thinking and converting it into words is essential. For a better writer, even the most ordinary things can be turned into interesting pieces of art.
I am a not a native English person and not enough good with the English language. But I continued to practice on writing and still writing. I concern writing using the tools (like Grammarly) which are encouraging me a lot in writing better. And I must say “practicing” creates the change. Keep practicing, and you’ll get where you desire to be. The more you do, the better you become. Practice makes perfect; same thing suits for any blogger I believe. Just make sure you’re following a discipline every day & stay consistent. Consistency in your everyday work undoubtedly improves your job.
I learned here and got important tips. After viewing your write-up, I expect that in coming days, I write some amazing, different or good stuff for my audience. I would so like to know of some useful resources which you can suggest to make my writing skills better. Thanks for sharing an excellent information with us. Incredibly precise and insightful. I am happy I noticed this post. This will add value to my effort to improve my writing skills.
Wow Vrishna. For a non-English speaker, your English is FLAWLESS! Well done to you.
You should really get into blogging 🙂
PS: I love Grammarly as well 🙂
I almost agreed! Very narrative Chris. Need more time in setting up our own blog. There are things to be considered like preparation, installation, writing your own blog. Yeah, It’s darn difficult but it’s worth the wait.
Exactly Tonya. Glad we agree 🙂 It takes time and patience to build; but most good things are like that too 🙂