Creating content is a challenge but creating consistent (awesome) content is an even bigger challenge.
With today’s post, I want to share with you my mini guide to creating the perfect blog post time after time.
This is what I have learned from being a student of blogging and also from my own experiences through the years I have been blogging myself.
These tips are what work for me. You might have a different approach to creating the perfect blog post and if so, I would love to hear about it in the comments. I love learning new things so feel free to share with the group.
Let’s get to it…
Brainstorm Your Ideas First
Before you start typing away, make sure you have a solid idea on what you would like to talk about in this particular post.
Nearly every post I publish nowadays would have been sitting in my mind for a few days and sometimes weeks. This gives my brain enough time to connect the dots between all the ideas I want to get across.
Now I know constantly coming up with topics to write about is a bit challenging but thankfully there are some ways you can get ideas. Here are some of my favourites:
Keyword research:
This process is solely based on knowing what people are looking for online. You can use a free keyword tool or you can even visit “question sites” like Quora or Yahoo Answers. Just type in your general blog topic and see what questions people are asking about it.
Your own experience:
This is a very powerful method and one of my favourites too. Being a blogger (and I do have other blogs beside this one), I’m constantly being challenged to find better ways of doing things and making my business perform better. This gives me a ton of ideas on what to write about on this blog. Also it makes it very unique because I’m writing from my own unique experiences.
The Pat Flynn method:
A while back problogger Pat Flynn sent out a great tip on how to come up with blog post ideas. I’ve been using his method for when I feel absolutely stuck and I always manage to come up with something. Check out the tip I got from Pat Flynn here.
I discuss more on how to get content ideas in my article “How To Come Up With Blogging Ideas Like A Pro“
Aim For Longer Content
A post that will rank well and get you social shares is usually a post that has around 700-2000 words.
While I like to hit the 1000+ mark with every blog post, I do understand that writing longer content is a challenge in itself (especially for new bloggers).
When I first started, getting to the then recommended 400 word mark was a nightmare, nowadays on occasion the 400 word mark is just my introduction.
The reason I mention this point is because longer type posts tend to rank much higher and bring in more traffic. The posts that rank the highest for me are all posts that have around 1500 words to them.
Some might even say that 2000 is the bare minimum, but I disagree with that.
I think anything more than 2500 is just too much for a reader. I know I start getting bored after the 2500-3000 mark….. but maybe that’s just me.
Images Are Awesome
I would say that a great image to go along with your post is as important as the words you’re typing in.
They give the post a certain visual aspect that makes it very easy, fun and entertaining to read.
Also images can be helpful when doing social media marketing. Images are what is mostly being shared on social media and having them there increase your chances of somebody sharing it.
I’m a big fan of Pinterest and I create my images with Pinterest in mind. My favourite (and only) place I am creating images right now is Canva. You should check it out.
Make Room For White Space
While we’re on the subject of visualizing your blog post; make sure you have enough white space that make it easy for the reader to read your content.
Have you ever read a blog post that was just one HUGE paragraph with no breaks? I didn’t think so and I never do either.
Make sure you leave white space; divide your content with headings, subheadings and small “digestible” paragraphs. Make it a bit easier for the reader and he just might stick around a bit longer.
Proper Linking Strategy
A good linking strategy is also ideal for creating great content. It will also help “map” the content for users and search engines.
A great linking strategy is very useful for getting good rankings because it shows you have an authority and a good understanding of how to give an answer to a reader.
PS: Don’t be afraid of linking to an outside source thinking you’re going to lose your visitor, simply check the “Open in new window/tab” when adding the link.
Lookout For Grammar & Spelling Mistakes
No post will ever be perfect if it’s riddled with grammar and spelling mistakes.
It will also make you look unpolished and unprofessional… if that’s the case why would anybody want to know what you have to say?
One or two here and there is not too bad (I’m sure I have mistakes somewhere), it’s just when it’s too frequent that you start putting people off.
Add A Call To Action
Ok so your reader has just finished reading your post. Now what?
A lot click “close” on your blog or hit the “back button’ to go back to wherever they came from but if you add a solid call to action, you might manage to keep them much longer.
A call-to-action is exactly what the name implies. It’s a call for the reader to take further action after reading your post.
This could be linking to another post (to another post on your blog in this case) or to an offer or a product that you are promoting.
Actually, this is how I make money from my blogs. A reader comes in, reads my work and is usually directed to an offer or another page that has an offer on there.
Sure you do not get 100% of the readers to stick around or buy your product (wow that would be awesome lol) but it does help keep them here just a little bit longer.
Make Sure You Answer The Question
People come to your blog for a reason. Either they’re looking to buy something or they are in need of an answer.
The title of this post indicates that I will be talking about how to create the perfect blog post. If you came through and you saw I didn’t mention anything about creating awesome content; you would be pissed, and likely never come back again.
So keep that in mind when you are brainstorming your “perfect post”. Always make sure you specifically answer what the reader came in for.
The Rules Of Frequency
To be honest, I don’t think a post can ever be considered “perfect”. I’ve written posts 2 years ago that I thought were “perfect” but when I look at them today I feel a chill running down my spine. (Urghhh horrible!)
The thing is the more you do it, the more you will get better at it.
In order to get to the point where you can write perfect great blog posts, you need to practice. There is no way around it and it is something that you must do.
To get your writing frequency up, try writing 300 words a day. I’ve talked about this a few weeks ago and I find it helps keep me in writing and publishing posts consistently. Check out the article below:
- 1 Daily Habit That Will Instantly Make You A Better Blogger
A Quick Round Up:
- Brainstorm your ideas first.
- Write longer content (700-2000)
- Images are to be used.
- Lots of whitespace between text.
- Proper linking strategy.
- Keep an eye for spelling and grammar.
- Make use of CTAs (Call to Action)
- Always provide a useful answer.
- Practice makes perfect.
Those were my top tips on creating the perfect post possible each time you open up your editor. If you have any more, do drop me a comment below and let me know what else you’re doing.
Also do you run into any difficulties when writing blog posts? Again feel free to leave them down below and I’ll try to help you to the best of my ability.
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Enjoy your summer… stay cool! 🙂
Chris Lee