How To Write Blog Posts Your Audience Will Read & Share

Semrush estimates that there were 31.7 million bloggers in America in 2020. Indeed, blogging remains a crucial aspect of content marketing that many business owners invest in to drive traffic to their websites.

It is essential to promote your blog posts on social media to gain the attention of your target audience.

However, this rarely happens without quality content that stands out and convinces your readers to share. That said, if you wish to learn more about crafting ultra-shareable blog content, please take a look at these points.

How To Write Blog Posts Your Audience Will Read

Ensure that your headline has a lunch

A recent study proved that 59% of all links shared on social media aren’t clicked, so many people share articles without getting past the headlines.

This reality implies that blog posts with genuinely excellent content may not be shared eagerly on social media if they lack engaging headlines.

Therefore, it is critical to write compelling headlines that attract readers without relying on clickbait.

Generally, framing your article as a “can’t miss” or “must-have” works well on social media since readers are always curious to see if their skills are present in the article.

Consequently, always use convincing words that pack a punch to ensure that people read and share posts.

Give in-depth solutions to a problem

People always seek out content because they have problems that need solutions and questions that require answers. Therefore, it is best to craft the perfect content that offers simple solutions to a particular need.

However, there are hundreds of other blog posts out there covering your topic, so it is not enough for your content to merely solve a problem.

In addition, it would be best to break down complex issues using a more digestible approach or delve deeper into a topic to address it in detail.

Original data, facts, and graphs are some of the specifics you can add to your posts since these elements transcend basic information and cover specifics.

Moreover, readers and even fellow bloggers alike widely admire these blog posts, so it is vital to watch out for any intellectual property violations.

Thankfully, you can hire a social media lawyer to help you deal with any intellectual property theft on such platforms, so keep this in mind.

Make content easy to read

The average attention span of humans is reportedly eight seconds, so creating shorter and more engaging content is critical to blog writing.

Readability is a prime concern to ensure that readers aren’t put off or bored by your content before reading it thoroughly. Consequently, find the right balance between offering in-depth information and keeping your readers’ attention.

For instance, you can write at a 9th-grade level and break up your posts with subheadings and images to make them easy to follow.

By all means, use a conversational tone and opt for simple sentence structures to present your content in an engaging way that will cause people to read, appreciate, and share.

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