How Much Money Can You Make Blogging?

Do you know the highest earning blog site earns over $2 million a month? Today’s post is going to show you exactly how much money you can make by blogging about anything that you find interesting. I can’t promise you will be making $2,000,000 a month soon, but I can promise you that if you … Read more

Make Money With A WordPress Blog (It’s Easier Than You Think)

Many have tried, many have failed. I’ve failed more times than I’ve succeed actually but today, since I’ve probably failed more than you, I’m confident enough to say that I can help you make money with a WordPress blog. At the time of writing this, I have two monetised blogs that make me a full … Read more

Writing Great Content Is Just Not Enough (This Is What I’m Doing Instead)

I really think most people fail to realise one thing when they start blogging and it’s a fundamental mistake that if not properly addressed; will ruin any chance you have of making money with your blog. Most people think that providing quality content is the best way to build an audience, get traffic and hopefully … Read more

Money From Blogging (What You Need To Know)

I know you know it’s possible! My guess would be that that since you’re here reading my blog; You want to know how so many other people have managed to earn money from blogging, (and how to do it yourself). Right? Maybe you’ve already tried it yourself but failed. It could be; I’ve failed multiple times … Read more

The 11 Principles Of Blogging Success (How To Succeed With Blogging)

I am just about finishing this fantastic book called “The Principles Of Success” and I must say it has been a real eye opener for me. In today’s post, I take a look at the lessons I’ve learned in this book, and apply them to blogging. Thus; here are the principles of blogging success and … Read more

Why You Should Start A Blog With WordPress

Have you ever heard of WordPress? Hopefully you have since you’re obviously interested in starting a blog, and let me tell you; WordPress is by far the best thing to use for blogging. Today we’re discussing “WordPress” and more importantly; why you should start a blog with WordPress. To me, WordPress is one of the easiest … Read more